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Palative Care

Apprenticeship programmes in the Health and Social Care cover two specialisations called pathways namely the adult social care pathway and the health care pathways.The programmes are great ways to begin, or build on, a rewarding career. You’ll have on-the-job training as well as time in college. There are many career and training options in health and social care and what you’ll learn will depend on your role this could include care worker, healthcare support or nursing assistant working in NHS, carehomes, voluntary sectors or in private homes.

Intermediate level apprentices – work-based learning leading to Level 2 Diploma in Adult Care and Q Level 2 and Level 1 Key Skills certification

Advanced level apprentices – work-based learning leading to Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care and Level 2 Key Skills certification
Higher Apprenticeships – leading to Level 4 qualifications or foundation degree

Your programme will include both learning at the college and hands on experience at at a workplace. You will learn among others the following skillls:
You’ll also learn about employer rights and responsibilities and study functional skills in math, English and IT. There are three levels depending on your education and experience. The levels available are:

Why choose this course

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidid ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat sed egestas.

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